Who are we?

Welcome to chain4pet.com!

chain4pet.com is your online pet supplies shopping and information destination.

Since 2018, we have helped independent pet retailers source and buy high-quality, differentiated products. WholesalePet.com only partners with the best suppliers who support independents, presenting complete wholesale catalogs, prices, and order terms for over 500 brands. Available exclusively to businesses, our site allows you to place orders directly with vendors, saving you time and effort. Best of all the prices are the same as buying direct and we offer wonderful customer service!

In addition to our already great prices, you can sign up now for our chain4pet.com emails and receive:

  • Exclusive Email-only offers.
  • Notice about new product offerings.
  • And much, much more!
chain4pet.com Customer Care
Our customer service team is dedicated to providing our customers with excellent service.  If you need any help or information about any item, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We can be reached in three easy ways:Email: [email protected]

Customer Service
5111 Airport Blvd, Austin TX 78751, United States
Customer Care Service Hours:
Monday – Friday:  8am ET – 6pm ET
Saturday: Closed
Sunday:  Closed